July 27, Moses Lake, Washington
Day 75, 3693 miles
Day 75, 3693 miles
I left Missoula six days ago over the Lolo Pass to follow the Lewis and Clark Trail into Idaho and Washington. The four hundred some odd miles had me riding alongside the Lochsa, Selway and Clearwater River systems for over 140 miles. In one 90 mile day, I started in a beautiful green Idaho river valley and finished in the deserts of SE Washington.
Since entering Washington, the demon winds have done their best to slow me down. No matter what direction I take, the wind slaps me in the face. I immediately realized that whether it was the first, twentieth or seventy-first day, I have to be in that day. I still have to focus on the mile I'm in - which isn't easy when I can practically smell Alki Beach, where I live. Normally, I would take a rest day about now - but no way... I'm having dinner with my wife Thursday night, come winds or high water! Just don't tell my legs yet.
Tomorrow I head to Wenatchee - Wednesday, up through Leavenworth and over Steven's Pass to somewhere near Skyhomish, leaving me with about 84 miles that will have me dropping into Woodenville where I'll pick up the Sammamish River Trail which eventually turns into the Burke Gilman. I can barely believe it as I type it. My next post will be from home where I'll better reflect on my experience... until then, its taking my utmost effort and resolve to get my butt coerced back onto the saddle and my quads to comply. The trip has been wondrous and eye-opening... as soon as I power through the next few days I look forward to sharing more with you.
As always, thank you for riding along.
The first two photos are along the Lewis and Clark Trail of Idaho.

The next few are from Highway 12 in Southern Washington.

Crossing the Snake River

Throughout farm country, extensive irrigation canals run to all the potato, corn and hay fields. This pretty scary sign along with the chemical tanks along all the fields have me wanting to grow everything I eat myself.