July 7, Saratoga, Wyoming
After the trials of the south and plains, Colorado welcomed me with open arms - and more importantly, LaVonne's open arms. After 50 days on the road, I had a wonderful, restful three days with LaVonne and good friends Jack, Kathy, Rich and Christy in Golden, Colorado. On Sunday morning, Jack and LaVonne drove me back to the trail where I left off, in Frisco, CO, and said goodbye as I headed toward Wyoming. My emotions were a little out of whack. With all the challenges of the trip, wind, heat, bad food, endless hills etc, being away from my wife is the most difficult for me. So after a weekend of laughter and love, I pedaled away, and in just minutes, I was a solitary traveler again. It felt weird, and inspired me even more to kick butt and get home.
I felt and feel pretty strong after the rest. I rode up over the southern divide out of Colorado and entered Wyoming today, feeling even closer to my home territory (lived in Montana 30 years). I've averaged over 60 miles a day for the last three, and plan to be in the Tetons a week from today, and then, glorious Montana. I have a lot of climbing ahead of me and could care less, because all I have to do is ride tomorrow. That's all.
Wyoming stuns me. The least populated state (people per sq. mi.) in the country, you can see, smell and hear the fresh, unspoiled nature surrounding you. Today, I saw as many horses, deer and antelope as I did people. And fortunately, being in Wyoming, I didn't run into Dick Cheney.
Yesterday, dropping out of Colorado, I encountered a thunderstorm that pretty much forced me off the bike with nowhere to hide. I had to hunch over the bike for about thirty minutes until the buckets of water lessened to an even pour, and then got back on and pedaled through the part road, part river. Today, I dodged storms all day and managed to ride 70 miles missing everything. Tomorrow is tomorrow.
Enjoy the pics from the weekend and the last few days below.
Thanks for riding along.
P.S. For all of you who haven't checked out World Bicycle Relief, please do. I'm proving that bikes are a serious form of transportation, and bikes can change the lives in the country WBR serves. Please consider helping out. Thank you.

Taking the train into Denver for the day...

LaVonne and Jack on Friday's hike.

LaVonne seeing me off in Frisco Sunday morning.

On the road...

Italian woman heading west to east - definately the most stylish traveler on the route.

Wyoming horse ranch (today).

Dodging thunderstorms.