July 12, Dubois, Wyoming
Hello All - I'm finishing up a rest day after seven straight from Frisco, Colorado (440 mi). Wyoming has blown me away in more ways than one. The raw beauty, vastness and lack of population has me loving this part of the trip - and although the last couple of afternoons challenged me with 25 mph headwinds, the riding has been magnificent... especially just after dawn.
I was raised in North Hollywood, CA, but I really grew up in Montana - late bloomer. I spent thirty years there. I knew from the get-go that arriving at the Montana border would feel special. But I wasn't ready for how Wyoming felt. I've always loved the spirit of this state. Like Montana, the challenges of winter and isolation create a statewide neighborhood-like feel for the most part. Even self-reliant people appreciate knowing that every car will stop if you're stuck on a wintery road. The sharp expansive terrain seems to parallel the hard-nosed determination of the people out here.
Tonight, a dear friend from Montana, Keith, arrives in Dubois to ride with me into and through Montana for the next week or so. It'll be a blast. Tomorrow, my sixtieth day on the tour, we'll climb another Continental Divide pass (my fifth so far) as we'll pedal up to Jackson Lake and the Tetons. Tuesday, we'll ride through part of Grand Teton National Park into Yellowstone... putting us in West Yellowstone, Montana Wednesday.
Enjoy the photos from Wyoming - while riding a five mile downhill yesterday, I wished I could bottle the sites, smells and exhilaration to send to all of you.
Thanks for riding along.
PS - no captions for the pics this time - just shots from the last two days working my way through the Wind River Reservation and region.